Come Wauk With Us!
Join us at 9:30am on Sundays at St. Paul’s, or tune in to our YouTube channel for a live stream of the 9:30am worship service. You can also watch recordings of our worship services later, at your convenience.
Whether your are a child or an adult, it’s never too late to learn about God’s love and care. All are welcome!
Lunch Crew: Join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am to help pack lunches for Roberti Community House
Clothes to You: Help sort clothing for our free clothing closet for our community members in need. Check the calendar on our Happenings page for group sorting days, or contact the church office to get more details. Clothing donations are accepted during church office hours & Sunday mornings.
Monthly God Wauk
Our monthly God Wauk (walk) takes place in the morning of every fourth Saturday of the month March to November. The next God Wauk will be Saturday, March 22 at 9am. Park to be determined.
God Wauks include scripture, prayers and communion, as we take a gentle hike through a Lake County Forest Preserve. We also occasionally take walks with people from other faith communities. Check the calendar under the Community tab for dates, times and locations.