Faith In Action

St. Paul’s is dedicated to giving our time, talents, and resources to each other and the neighbors God has given us.

Clothes to You/Sorteo de Ropa

Clothes to You has a monthly giveaway every first Saturday of the month from 9am - 12pm. (except for January & February)

Sorteo de ropa gratis el primer sábado del mes, 9:00AM - 12:00PM. (menos enero y febrero)

Your donations are greatly needed as our clothing giveaway continues to be a great success! Current clothing needed includes coats, hats, gloves, scarves, hoodies/sweathirts, sweaters, shoes and boots. It would help our sorters and storage space greatly if you could hold onto summer clothing until the spring!

Donations can be dropped off at the church before or after worship or by calling the church office to arrange a time to drop-off your donations.

We need volunteers! Please contact the church office or come to the next sorting day, as listed on the calendar (click on the Happenings tab).


Our next clothing giveaway is
Saturday, March 1, from 9am - 12pm

Nuestro sorteo de ropa esta
el sábado, 1 de Marzo, 9:00AM a 12:00PM


At Home…

Gods Work Our Hands

Gods Work Our Hands

Whittier Community Partnership

Whittier Community Partnership

Mission Endowment Fund

Mission Endowment Fund


Around the World…


ELCA World Hunger - The ELCA believes that the universal human right is food. This program works to connect people with the resources to food, clean water, education, healthcare, and income for sustainable change.

Lutheran World Relief - As you can see Lutherans find nourishment important. LHR seeks to break the cycle of poverty by providing aide after disasters, partner with carious communities to build strong economies, and help to ensure families can thrive.

Global Missions - ELCA missionaries have helped establish growing churches throughout the world. As a result, we are now part of a much larger story — a global community of more than 70 million Lutherans in 79 countries. In this dynamic church, we walk with our sisters and brothers in Christ to share God’s love far and wide

World Vision - They partner with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

Give Online

All donations are tax deductible.

Kids from the Panama Medical Mission

Kids from the Panama Medical Mission